Thursday, March 26, 2015

The Masters Dojo My Wants

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, and welcome to yet another fantastic edition of The Master�s Dojo!!! In today�s article, I�m going to go over what I want to have happen with all the titles and with matches already confirmed to happen at WrestleMania. Also, the results from my two interactive fan questions from last week. Let�s get it on!!

First, I�ll start with the tag titles, both the WWE and World championships. First, with the WWE Tag Team titles, I�d like to see a real feud between the Colons and someone that isn�t Miz and Morrison. Anyone from Smackdown, really. It is unfortunate, how there really are only two, maybe three tag teams. I can only think of Priceless (which is now part of Legacy), Miz and Morrison and the Colons. But wait,customized bobbleheads, I forgot one. Jesse and Festus. That�s right. I want Jesse and Festus to be the new WWE Tag Team champions. Festus is a beast, and Jesse has some skill,Classifieds February 19, 2015,custom bobbleheads, I think. They could start a whole big rivalry, and I think it would be great. And what about the other Champs? I think that Morrison will go on to be in the Money in the Bank Ladder Match, and he will� Well, I get to that next, but then Morrison will be moved to RAW, with Miz staying on ECW. This will then break up the Tag Team, and Morrison will go on and become World Champion. Wait,Wedding Dresses for Green Wedding Theme, I�m getting ahead of myself.

Ok, now for the Money in the Bank Ladder Match at WrestleMania 25. The winner receives a contract which they can use to become Champion at any time. CM Punk, Shelton Benjamin (United States Champion), Kane, Mark Henry and MVP have already been announced as competitors in this year�s contest. Now,What Is The Best Way To Knock Out An Opponent In MMA, last week I asked the readers who they wanted or thought they would see in the match this year. Some notable names were Evan Bourne, Rey Mysterio, Kofi Kingston and one very interesting one: John Cena. And this reader had good reasoning. �Edge vs. Big Show will be the title match at WM25. Cena will qualify for the MITB match wins it and cashes in his case right before the Title Match so that there will be a Triple Threat.� I thought it was interesting. My other 3 competitors,customized bobbleheads, in my mind, were John Morrison, Evan Bourne (he�s ready, right?) and Kofi Kingston. My dream ending would be a return by Rob Van Dam, and while everybody except one person (I�ll just say Kane) was outside. RVD climbs up the ladder, pushes Kane off, then hits a Five Star Frog Splash off of the ladder, climbs back up and becomes Mr. Money in the Bank for the SECOND time. But, I doubt that. Instead, I�m thinking of a man who needs much more publicity, more attention, more titles. Obviously, I�m talking about John Morrison. He�s got tons of talent, and I think that it should be more openly displayed, and RAW is the best place to do that. And as I mentioned before, he would then move to RAW in the draft, and cash in to become a World Champion.

Now the Women�s and Divas titles. For the Women�s, I want Kelly Kelly to be champion, but I really doubt that is going to happen in the near future. I think that the Beth Phoenix/Melina rivalry is working out pretty well�I just wish that she�d lose Santino. For the Divas belt, I hoped that Michelle McCool would get herself involved in a big rivalry with Maryse and have a good divas feud. Instead, she turned heel and now just walks around and beats up women. Not my favorite thing on Smackdown right now. I want Michelle to turn face, feud with anyone, really,custom bobbleheads, and gain back the title. I think she is an OK wrestler, and that she should win the title.

Now on to the so called mid level titles,personalized bobbleheads, the Intercontinental and United States championships. I�ll start with the Intercontinental title. Currently, it is being held by one of my favorite wrestlers, my hometown boy, CM Punk. And you know what,,, I think it should stay that way. I think if he started a real, serious feud with someone, and brought it back to being a more prestigious title, it could only be good for WWE. If you remember, the IC title used to be coveted,Orchids, and was a very honorable award. Recently though, it has become a mid card title. So, I want CM Punk to start up a real, long lasting feud, good things will come. Also, I think that it is time that Shelton Benjamin had some competition for his United States title. During R Truth�s first couple shows, he was given a title push, and for a little while, Hurricane Helms received a title opportunity, and that has been it. I think that R Truth could be given another opportunity. He has skills, and I think that he could be a good US Champion.

Another match happening for sure at WrestleMania is going to be the �Streak� match, and this year the Legendary Undertaker is fighting none other than Mr. WrestleMania, Shawn Michaels. How great is this? Two future Hall of Famers, going face to face on the grandest stage of all. Now, it would make sense to have Shawn Michaels win. A veteran, a legend, an umpteen time champion, and it is happening in his hometown of Houston, Texas. Oh wait, The Undertaker (well,personalized bobble heads, Mark Calaway) is also from Houston. He is also a legend, a veteran and a many, many time champion. It could very well be the match of the night. If only a title was involved, then there would be even more potential, and a better chance of being a legendary WrestleMania match. Now, according to the poll question I gave you guys last week,customize bobblehead, 100 of those who answered said that they would rather see HBK vs. Taker, and that is what they got. Also, all but 1 of them said that they think Undertaker will win. I�m hoping/picking the Undertaker too. I love HBK, but I don�t think the Streak will ever be ended. EVER.

Now,personalized bobbleheads, there are two other titles, and those are the World Titles. The WWE Championship and the World Heavyweight Championship. The WWE title is going to be Randy Orton vs. Triple H (c). Triple H was who Orton picked as his title holder that he would challenge at WrestleMania. Now, as we have all noticed, Orton�s stable, Legacy, has gotten involved in pretty much all of Randy�s business recently. And I don�t think that will change at WrestleMania. But, I am picking that Triple H will be attacked brutally be Legacy and then�HBK comes in!! DX Reunion part 2!! Just kidding, I see Hunter taking out Legacy, then countering the RKO,customize bobblehead, hitting the Pedigree and retaining the title. That would be a fantastic match. I don�t like Randy Orton, and I do like Triple H, and I want to see Triple H keep the title at WrestleMania. Then I see him being drafted back to RAW, and starting a full fledged feud with Randy Orton. I think that would be a very good feud. Now for the other World title, The World Heavyweight Championship. Now, Edge won the title, as we all know, back at No Way Out, with that whole Elimination Chamber debacle. And over the last couple of months since his return, he and The Big Show have had a very�odd relationship, to say the least. And now, Big Show is getting a title opportunity at WrestleMania against, of course, the Rated R Superstar. Is Vickie leaving Edge for the Big Show? Ugh, clich� soap opera. But wait a second, there is one other man in this whole equation�John Cena. That�s right, the man Edge �stole� the title from at No Way Out. Reportedly,custom bobblehead, Big Show ruined my next couple of sentences be releasing a spoiler, but whatever. I want to see a Triple Threat match between Edge, John Cena and The Big Show, for the World Heavyweight Championship, at WrestleMania. Look, I am not the world�s biggest John Cena fan, not by a long shot, but I am also not a huge Cena hater, and I think that he does deserve to be in this match, I really do. Then, if he wins (which by the way, I think he will if he�s put in the match) he�ll be moved to Smackdown in the draft, with, if things go according to my plan, Triple H going over to RAW. Another John Cena vs. Edge feud would be pretty cool, and this time, The Big Show will be involved. I think that if this match were to happen,personalized bobble heads, it would be one of the best matches of the night, after Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels and the Money in the Bank Ladder Match.

Well, it looks like another issue has come to an end. Thanks for reading this issue, and remember to read next week�s article. In fact, tell everybody to read next week�s article!! Well, until next week, the Dojo is closed, and I AM OUT!!!

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